Speed Chuzzle

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This article is about Chuzzle.
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Speed Chuzzle
In-game music
Original source

Speed Chuzzle is one of the five gamemodes in Chuzzle. In this game mode, there are two difficulty modes with Casual and Expert.


Bejeweled 3 Inferno.png We need more Flame Gems and Rare Gems. Moonstone.png

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It involves the player to make matches quickly so he does not lose. Below the board there is a Time Bar (that keeps filling). At 75% the player gets a warning ,and at 100% a Locked Chuzzle appears and resets the time bar. When there are too many Locked Chuzzles (and the player cannot match), the player will have to Scramble.The time bar can be reduced by making matches and chain reactions.

The player will lose once there are no scrambles left,and he/she cannot do any moves because of Locked Chuzzles.


Trophy Name Description
T07.png Big Boy Complete a game of Classic Chuzzle or Speed Chuzzle without clearing a Fat Chuzzle.
T11.png Speed Freak! Complete two consecutive levels in a game of Speed Chuzzle without receiving a Puzzle Lock.
T12.png Chuzz 10! Reach level 10 in Classic Chuzzle or Speed Chuzzle.
T13.png Speed Master! Complete two consecutive levels in a game of Speed Chuzzle without receiving a Speed Chuzzle Warning.
T14.png Lockmaster! Clear three or more Puzzle Locks in a single move.
T15.png Speed Demon! Complete level 5 in Speed Chuzzle without receiving a Puzzle Lock.
T20.png Flawless! Complete a game of Classic Chuzzle or Speed Chuzzle without performing an invalid move.
T26.png Brainiac Complete a game of Classic Chuzzle or Speed Chuzzle without using the Hint button.


  • The Time Bar fills once at around seven seconds.
  • In the J2ME mobile version of Chuzzle, this mode is absent.