Category:Secret Modes

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Secret Modes are special modes that are found in Bejeweled 3 and Bejeweled 2.

Secret Modes are not available when the player has started the game for the first time. They need to be unlocked by completing tasks in the other normal modes.


  • In Bejeweled 2, the Secret Modes do not have unique Main Menu descriptions.
  • In both Bejeweled 2 and Bejeweled 3, the buttons for the Secret Modes have a different appearance than the ones for the normal game modes:
    • In Bejeweled 2, the outline for the Secret mode titles appear bright red, instead of dark blue for the normal mode titles.
    • In Bejeweled 3, the crystals that represent the Secret modes are much smaller and grayish.

Pages in category "Secret Modes"

The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total.