Challenge/Challenge Objectives and Rules

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The following article is a list of parameters and lines used in the code of Bejeweled Twist's Challenge mode.

Challenge Objectives and Rules

Gems: Represents the amount of gems that need to be cleared.

Time: Gives a challenge a time limit to be completed within. Time is given in minutes, and only integers are supported (in-game value will rounds down if the value is decimal). If the value is 3, a shortened version of Blitz Mode's music (internally called "Superspeed Blitz") plays, otherwise it uses the normal 5-minute version music. If the value is higher than 5, after the normal version of music ends, the Superspeed Blitz music follows up, and once it finishes playing, no music will continue to play.

Moves: This can mean two things depending on the use of the angled bracket. Moves< is the amount of moves a player has to complete a challenge within and Moves>= means that this is the amount of turns that the player has to make.

Nocascades: Used in Detonator's challenges. Possibly makes newly spawned gems not cascading.

Points: Used in Detonator's Eclipse challenge and it's the only score-based one in the grand total of the 104 challenges the game has. If the multiplier is not defined with a config file, the game will use the 1x multiplier (the same as Zen Mode's multiplier).

Onemove: Forces the amount of specified objects to be cleared with a single move. If the objective is to activate Flame or Lightning Gems, or to clear Coals, Onemove will replace the count title with the image of what needs to be done.

Pattern: Used in Spectrum's challenges. Requires the player to clear gems of a certain color in a row. This objective is the only one to use letters instead of digits (pattern='RRR' for three red matches in a row and pattern='VVVVVVVVV' for nine violet matches in a row).

Coalgems: Used in Coal Mine's challenges. Represents the amount of Coals that need to be destroyed.

MaxChain: Chain Reaction's objective. This is the amount of matches that need to be made in a row. A matchless move resets the player's progress.

Constantdoom: The rule of Survivor and Chain Reaction's Eclipse challenges. This rule forces the game to spawn a Doom Gem whenever one is destroyed.

Cascades: Gem Fall's objective. This is the amount of gem matches that need to be made by achieving combos. The player's initial move also counts towards the cascade based puzzles. If Onemove is not used, cascades will keep adding up.

Colorgems: Used in Preserver's challenges (Redgems, Yellowgems, Bluegems etc.). Without the use of the Onboard option, the player's objective is to clear a specified amount of colored gems. Orangegems and Purplegems are the unused gem types.

Onboard: Converts the amount of gems that need to be cleared into the amount of gems that need to be preserved on the game board. It can be used with Colorgems, Coalgems, FlamegemsMade and LightninggemsMade, but only Colorgems is used in the original game.

Badgem: Used in Preserver's Eclipse challenge. The usage case is badgem=gemcolor (badgem=green, badgem=white). The use of this rule prohibits the clearing of a gem of a certain color. It only works on Eclipse challenges. The use of this rule instantly ends the game if the player does not adhere to this rule.

quitonfail: Also a Preserver Eclipse rule but works on both Eclipse and non-Eclipse challenges. The use of this rule instantly ends the game if the player does not adhere to the challenge rules.

Here is an example of quitonfail being used with the second challenge of Detonator:

    <description>"Clear 12 gems in 1 move without using any Lightning."</description>
    <donedescription> "You destroyed # gems without Lightning" </counttitle>
    <rules> "Gems>=12, Onemove, Lightninggems=0, nocascades, quitonfail " </rules>

In this case, if you use a Lightning Gem, the game ends.

Flamegems: Firestorm and Arsenal's objective. This is the amount of Flame Gems that need to be exploded.

FlamegemsMade: Enigma's objective. This is the amount of Flame Gems that need to be created.

Lightninggems: Voltage and Arsenal's objective. This is the amount of Lightning Gems that need to be triggered.

LightninggemsMade: Enigma's objective. This is the amount of Lightning Gems that need to be created.

Nocount: Used in Survivor's Eclipse challenge. What it does is that it disables the count title, which reads Turns. It only works with turn-based challenges.

Survivor Eclipse, as it appears with the nocount option disabled.
Survivor Eclipse, as it appears with the nocount option enabled.

Biggestmatch: Enigma's objective. Represents how many gems of one color is cleared with a single move. The minimum value is 0, in which case the game will deem the value 0 as an instant win, and the maximum value is 8.

Supernovas: Enigma's Eclipse challenge objective. Represents the amount of Supernova Gems that need to be detonated.

For the unused challenge objectives, see the List of Bejeweled Twist's pre-release and unused content.


  • If the counttitle parameter is not specified, objectives such as biggestmatch, ShardsLost, Points and gems with the Onemove rule will always display the word Gems on the count title. If Onemove is not used, the word Count will show up regardless of the objective.
  • Survivor's normal challenges has a unique count style, which simply displays "[moves left] Moves Left" without a title.
    • However, the "counttitle" parameter exists for these challenges, which reads "Turns". It's presumably being overrode by the style and become unused.