User talk:Backdraft 3.5

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Hi, welcome to Bejeweled Wiki! Thanks for your edit to the Bejeweled 2 page.

Please leave a message on my talk page if I can help with anything! Gemspinner019 (talk) 04:07, June 2, 2013 (UTC)

My Progress

I Will Finish These Progress


Hello there. I'm Gemspinner019, the administrator of this wiki. I've noticed the edits you've made on this wiki, and I would like to thank you for your contributions. I see that you've met Storm2, another member of this wiki, who talked to you about your English grammar errors... But I'm not here to further criticize you about that. What I would like to do is try to get to know you better. Are you also a fan of the Bejeweled series? If you are, do you have a favorite game of the series, along with a favorite playable game mode and type of gem?

I hope you'll reply back to me, and if you do don't worry too much about grammar and spelling. And I hope you'll enjoy your experience here at the Bejeweled Wiki; it may not be the best wiki on the Internet, but it's steadily recovering from years of neglect and we do our best to keep it alive and well. Gemspinner019 (talk) 13:52, June 8, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019


Please do not create pages that have "Under construction" or something writtten on them if you aren't going to finish them. When I or someone else makes a page, I try to make sure there is some content related to the page title in the page. If the page I'm doing is big, I make the page bit by bit in a sandbox and then publish it in the mainspace when I've finished it. I don't create pages with "under construction" written on them and then abandon them.

I hope you acknowledge this message instead of deleting it like my last one; they're useful for your wiki development 07:59, June 24, 2013 (UTC)

OK, this whole malarky of creating pages with "Under construction" written on them is getting a bit annoying. Please don't create pages in future if they have nothing but "Under construction" written on them. As Gemspinner said, there is more to creating a page than putting in two words and leaving it alone, neither of which have anything to do with the page at all. And please learn better English, I'm having trouble understanding what you're writing, which basically means I delete it as jargon. OK?  STORM II  15:40, June 24, 2013 (UTC)