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Heya :) Long time no hear :) Hope you're doing well!

We've recently discovered a little flaw in the way that custom font importation works that prevents only some people from seeing the custom fonts we installed here a few years ago. So today I went in and changed the addresses pointing towards the locations of your special fonts. I doubt you'll notice much of a change, but other people will definitely see a big improvement.

At the same time, I made some changes to where those custom fonts were being used. The definition I gave them back in 2014 was fine for then, but we've added some new features that are important to keep "Fandom branded" with certain fonts. So you'll find that Leckerli or this gorgeous purple color no longer invade the Fandom footer at the bottom. Most parts of most pages won't have much of a change, but the main page in particular needs to retain footers and headers that use "Fandom fonts".

If you have any questions, or think some parts of the wiki have been unnecessarily changed, lemme know!<ac_metadata title="Fonts 'n' stuff :)"> </ac_metadata>