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314 pies later, how did the snail mail fan feel? I think she liked it...

And as I was playing Bakeria, I found a bunch more new items to decorate her hands with. Next time on the chat, I will explain them more. I am on rank 26 now. Maybe if she were a customer there, I could think of her order.

My spring break is 3/18-3/27. Is your break same or different from mine? And since the time went 1 hour forward, now we are exact opposite time (when it is AM in my area, it is PM in yours).

And sorry for not coming on today, I went on the PvZ wiki, looked through the people in there, and saw you there, but it was 11:10 or something when I discovered that. if I went there now, the chat would be too short to explain long details about stuff that I did/found out/thought of. On school nights I sleep at 11:30-11:55. On weekends I sleep 12:40.