Talk:Angel Gem

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4 gems in a plus shape

I guess this is what they mean when they say it is made with 4 gems in a plus shape


Colgatepony234 (talk) 01:06, October 3, 2015 (UTC)

I think it's supposed to be five in a plus shape. I know the mouseover reads four, but I actually think that's an error. Gemspinner019 (talk) 01:47, October 3, 2015 (UTC)Gemspinner019

I'm confuzzled

Does this gem really not do anything and does it really have no special effects like the Flame, Lightning, and Ice gems? This makes me... confuzzled. Colgatepony234 (talk) 22:11, October 8, 2015 (UTC)

Considering that the Angel Gem was scrapped during the game's development, it's actually no surprise that it lacks proper behavior. Same thing with the Skull Gem, and even though the Ice Gem is function it's still incomplete (no unique sound effect for making it and its intro notification doesn't appear when the gem is created for the first time). Gemspinner019 (talk) 16:01, October 11, 2015 (UTC)Gemspinner019