Discord Server Bejeweled Records

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This tracks all known high scores made by members of Bejeweled Fans Discord Server.

Rules for submission

You are advised to read this carefully before you submit your records.

  1. You must be a member of Bejeweled Fans Discord server, and have at least its Flame role to submit scores.
  2. Your high score submission must have either recorded video or screenshot of the result screen. Screenshots submitted from overall high score table may be accepted at discretion of server admins. All submissions will be subject to inspection for tampering.
  3. If you have both recorded and screenshot High Scores, you must select which one to display. You will not be able to occupy both slots. Does not apply if they're split between separate platforms (See Rule 5).
  4. Multiple record holders in a field are permitted in situations of a tie. Up to three named co-holders will be displayed in this particular situation.
  5. High Scores made via various platforms, where accepted, are displayed separately.
  6. Cells with " ⬤ ⬤ "  denote max score (2,147,483,647) has been exceeded and game no longer track the score correctly beyond it. Should multiple people reach the limit, it will be considered a tie and, as per Rule 4, up to three names will be displayed.
  7. If you get kicked, banned, or leave the Discord server; your high scores will be expunged from the list and runner-up's replaced in its place.
  8. "Desktop" includes macOS/OS X and Windows, "mobile" includes iOS and Android. Their scores are treated as equal.

Note: Bejeweled Stars and Dijeweled Multiplayer records are currently not supported. Facebook & Mobile version of Bejeweled Blitz will not be included.

Last Updated

Edit #011 & #012 - 23:09, April 24, 2018 (UTC)

  • Reminder that Facebook/Mobile version of Bejeweled Blitz are not accepted.
  • Phased out entries for 2's Puzzle Mode, Twist's Challenge Mode, and 3's Quest Mode - links to appropriate section on speedrun.com is displayed instead.
  • Removed scores by Luna Chase (except Bejeweled Blitz LIVE).
  • New Bejeweled Twist - Largest Cascade (PC / Video)
  • New Bejeweled Twist - Stratamax (PC / Video)
  • New Bejeweled 3 - Butterflies (PC / Screen)
    • 1,738,750 - zuperZACH ► 2,296,400 - RedThreeBall
  • New Bejeweled 3 - Avalanche Eclipse (PC / Video)
    • 36,140 ► 97,030 - Rubycored
  • New Bejeweled 3 Plus - Ice Storm (fixed) (PC / Video)
  • New Bejeweled 3 Plus - Match Bomb mode (PC / Video)
    • 1,060,150 (pre-fix) ► 2,568,750 (fixed) - Rubycored

Full Score Listing

Bejeweled / Diamond Mine

(Desktop only)

Mode With Video Screenshot only
Classic 236,245 ; Level 19 Rubycored
Time Trial

248,550 ; Level 19


Bejeweled 2 Deluxe

(Desktop, Mobile, PS Portable)

Mode With Video Screenshot only
Classic (PC) 191,478 ; Level 17 (PC) Rubycored
Original Classic (PC) 169,315 ; Level 17 (PC) Rubycored
Twilight (PC) 133,019 ; Level 15 (PC) Rubycored
Hyper (PC) ⬤ ⬤ (PC) PinballWiz45b [Not Accepted]
Finity (PC) 2,699,400 ; Level 14 (PC) Rubycored
Puzzle (Speedrun) See speedrun.com
Cognito (Speedrun) [Not Accepted]

Bejeweled Twist

(Desktop, Nintendo DS)

Mode With Video Screenshot only
Blitz (PC) 2,717,000 (PC) IYNH
Largest Cascade (PC) 30 Cascade + 302 Gems

(PC) Hex84

Largest Cascade (x10) (PC)

11 Cascade + 185 Gems



Challenge (Speed Run) See speedrun.com
Coalmine 111 Drazen
Chain Reaction
Firestorm 81 Drazen
Stratamax 467


Arsenal 45 Drazen
Bonanza 919 Drazen
Survivor 10,115 RedThreeBall
Voltage 42 Drazen
Enigma 23 Drazen

Bejeweled Blitz

(Desktop only)

Mode With Video Screenshot only
No Boosts 766,700 Rubycored
With Boosts 1,120,800 Rubycored
Fastest Chain (No Boosts) 77 Speed Chain Rubycored
Fastest Chain (With Boosts) 78 Speed Chain Rubycored
Biggest Cascade 13 Cascade + 90 Gems Rubycored

Bejeweled Blitz LIVE

Mode With Video Screenshot only
Classic 352,200 Luna Chase
Twist 391,140 Luna Chase

Bejeweled 3

(Desktop, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3)

Mode With Video Screenshot only


(NDS) 306,300


(NDS) Rubycored


(PC) 7,017,800 ; x15

(NDS) 10,993,900 ; x15

(PC) LDinos

(NDS) Rubycored

(PC) 8,399,250; x15 (PC) Rubycored
Ice Storm (7:30)*

(PC) 7,187,800 ; x73 Ice

(PC) Rubycored

Ice Storm (fixed)* (PC)

(NDS) 17,622,380 ; x10 Ice


(NDS) Rubycored

(PC) 7,750,440 (PC) Drazen


(NDS) 7,065,425 ; 705


(NDS) Rubycored

(PC) 2,296,400 ; 359

(PC) RedThreeBall

Quest (Speedrun) See speedrun.com
Diamond Mine

(PC) 2,552,000

(NDS) 5,424,500

(PC) Rubycored

(NDS) Rubycored

Avalanche "Eclipse"

(Found in QMP3 fanpack)

97,030 Rubycored

* - Ice Storm's 7:30 "Sudden Death" occurs only on Desktop-standard version, and will be fixed in community-driven "v1.08" patch. Scores made on other accepted platforms that do not have thus limit will be grouped under the "fixed" topic.

Bejeweled 3 "Plus"-exclusive Modes

Mode With Video Screenshot only

13,092,000 ; x21

Ice Storm (7:30) 11,320,840 ; x79 Ice Rubycored
Ice Storm (fixed) 11,561,020 ; x19 Rubycored
Time Bomb 3,425,350 ; 218 Rubycored
Match Bomb 2,568,750; 230 Rubycored

Bejeweled Classic

(Mobile - NO Powerup use are permitted)

Mode With Video Screenshot only
Poker 923,950 Charly Huynh
Lightning 3,808,900 ; x10 Rubycored
Ice Storm 1,195,400 ; x7 Luna Chase 2,624,820 ; ? RockyPlaysGames
Diamond Mine


(Pre-v0.94 requires creator (LDinos) sign-off)

Mode With Video Screenshot only
Classic (v0.95) 28,092,350 ; Level 101 Rubycored
Arcade (v0.95) 3,124,175 ; Level 39 Rubycored
Blitz 1 min (v0.94) 38,645 Rubycored
Blitz 3 min (v0.92) 145,890 Rubycored
Blitz 5 min (v0.94) 295,660 Rubycored

Bejeweled Hurricane

Mode With Video Screenshot only
Classic 67,300 ; Level 11 Rubycored

=============== END LIST ===============


Records and high scores displayed here are achieved by small member of Bejeweled franchise fans and are not representative of world-wide records; nor are the recordkeepers claiming any form of accuracy for information displayed above.