Bejeweled Twist Turkish Language Mod

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The Turkish language mod for Bejeweled Twist has been created by ShineStreet in May 2023. It is a follow-up to the Bejeweled 2 Turkish language mod released on January 29th, 2020. This mod translates everything about the game into Turkish.

Gamemode names

Özgün: The literal translation of this word is "Original". The reason for this is that Bejeweled Twist brings new and never-seen gameplay mechanics to keep the game exciting.

Zen: Zen

Görev: The translation of this world is "Challenge", but it can also mean "Quest".

Hücum: This word means "Attack", as in how quickly you can rack up the highest possible score in a five minute time limit.


Mod Creator's Notes

  • As of now, this mod only works on the highest possible resolution the game supports, which is 1900x1200.
  • The fonts used for Bejeweled Twist have partial support for the letters from the Turkish alphabet. While the fonts used for this game do display the "ü", "Ü", "ç" and the "Ç" letters, they don't display the "ı", "İ", "ş", "Ş", "ğ" and the "Ğ" letters. Some help on adding these characters to the game's fonts is needed.
  • A download link will be added once this project has been finalized.