User talk:RedThreeBall016/Archive 1

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==Welcome==  Hi, welcome to Bejeweled Wiki! Thanks for your edit to the File:Untitled 4.png page. If you need help, and there are no local admins here, you may want to visit the forums on the Community Central Wiki. Looking for live help? Then join us for an upcoming webinar to chat with staff and other Wikia editors. You can also check our Staff blog to keep up-to-date with the latest news and events around Wikia. Happy editing, Sannse<staff /> (help forum | blog) 

==Adoption Request==  Hi. Your contributions look good and I've given you admin and bureaucrat rights. Good luck with the wiki! -- Wendy (talk)<staff /> 23:57, July 28, 2012 (UTC) 


Congrats on your 1000th edit. :) (I'd have posted it sooner had JavaScript not been playing up...)  STORM II  16:49, March 31, 2013 (UTC)

Thank you! I appreciate it very much. :D:Gemspinner019 (talk) 16:54, March 31, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 

Locked Gem images

 Do you want me to get (temporary) photos of a Locking Gem and a Locked Gem? They won't be as high quality as your normal screenshots but they'll do until you regain access to your main computer. :)  STORM II  17:10, April 7, 2013 (UTC)

Sure! I wouldn't mind that at all. I could always use help during times of need. :) Gemspinner019 (talk) 22:30, April 7, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 

No problem man :) I recently started playing a few days ago and I am addicted to it (like PVZ, another PopCap game) :P I will probably still edit here ;) I have been dumped in the sea! 09:39, April 8, 2013 (UTC) 

OK Andrew, I'll upload them tomorrow because I simply can't be bothered right now. :P Whenever your sea of college work subsides you can get higher quality screenshots. No rush though.  STORM II  18:20, April 8, 2013 (UTC) 

==Unused Text in Bejeweled Twist==  Glad to hear you can take high-quality screenshots again. In relation to this, you mentioned you can add the unused text into the game by modifying a certain document in a specific way. I would assume that's somewhere in the main.pak folder, which I can't open even with all the barrage of stuff I got to try and open it. How do you do it? Thanks  STORM II  09:25, April 13, 2013 (UTC)

The document is actually not located inside the "main.pak" file; it's located inside the "properties" folder. The document is called "tutorial" and you can open it with programs like Notepad or WordPad. I can still tell you how to crack open the "main.pak" file, if you want me to. Gemspinner019 (talk) 18:17, April 13, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019
Funny you should say that, I was fiddling with stuff inside that folder and changed several settings (which included making Doom Gems appearing at Level 1) and saw that tutorial folder. Didn't know how to get unused text/gems to appear in the game, and I know this because the game crashed when I tried adding in unused content.
I also wouldn't mind a lesson on opening main.pak files, all attempts by Mr. Untechnical (me) have proved unsuccessful. Thanks.  STORM II  18:41, April 13, 2013 (UTC)
I'm not sure how to make the unused gems appear in the game as normal (I'm guessing that involves hex editing), but making unused text appear in the game is somewhat easy. There is, however, unused text that I'm still scratching my head about. 
Okay, here's how you can extract "main.pak" files
  1. You need to have a program that can extract files. I use WinRAR, but I'm sure other programs will work as well.
  2. You also need to download QuickBMS and a plug-in called "7x7m". You can download them here [1].
  3. Before extracting, locate the "main.pak" file and create a copy of it. Place it somewhere like in a different folder or on your desktop. I read that extracting "main.pak" files can be a little risky, so I think it's better and safer to extract a copy of the file instead (you know, just in case).
  4. Once you have all the necessities, it's time to extract the file. Run the file extractor program and find "quickbms". Open that folder and run "quickbms.exe".
  5. Find and open the plug-in "7x7m". When you open it, it'll look like nothing happened, but it has now allowed you to extract the "main.pak" file. Speaking of which...
  6. Locate of the copy of the "main.pak" you created and open it. When you do so, you'll be asked to save it somewhere else along with the option of renaming the file (I usually rename it something like "MainPakFile"). Once you've done these, click "Save" and watch the fun begin! 
That's all there is to it. If you have any questions, feel free to tell me. Gemspinner019 (talk) 15:05, April 14, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019
I assume 7zip would work for the "program that can extract files"? I'll give this a bash eventually.  STORM II  15:37, April 14, 2013 (UTC)
I'm stuck. How do I get the plug in? Where do I put it once I get it? And do I run QuickBMS in the file extractor program or not? I'd be grateful if you can answer these. Thanks  STORM II  15:58, April 14, 2013 (UTC)
When you go to the website, look for the link "7x7M archives (script 0.1.1)". Right-click it and then select "Save link as...". It should save as a BMS File, and you can save it anywhere on your computer (as long as you can find it easily). And yes, you have to run QuickBMS using the file extractor program. 
I'm sorry if my instructions were a little vague. If it would help, I could take screenshots that show a step-by-step process of the whole thing. Gemspinner019 (talk) 14:47, April 20, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019
Apology accepted. I probably wouldn't do too well describing something like this to a n00b like me either, so don't feel bad about it. I'll give this a go sometime today, and I'll give an update stating if I need screenshots or not.  STORM II  17:19, April 20, 2013 (UTC)
And you can now delete the "Lightning meter" article. It's just a redirect to "Time Extension tank", which is the proper name according to the "readme" document.  STORM II  17:30, April 20, 2013 (UTC)

==3 things==  Firstly, the extraction of main.pak files was a complete success, indeed I wouldn't be able to compose my own quest mode without hacking the file. Thanks for pointing out how to do some of the more complicated steps, it helped me immensely. :) Secondly, you mentioned that you were unable to upload the textures for some planets in Challenge mode because of problems with the "cloud" texture. Do you want me to try and finish them providing you can tell me where they live, as I can't seem to find them anywhere... (edit: found them while looking for something else) And lastly, is there any known way to change the mouseover text (ie: when you hover over a Flame Gem, Lightning Gem etc.) I also can't seem to find where they live either...  STORM II  21:40, April 27, 2013 (UTC) 

Excellent! I'm glad that I was able to help. Have fun digging around in the game files. :) 
You can if you want to. The reason I couldn't upload the "cloud" textures is because I had problems properly applying their "overlay" textures in Photoshop to make the textures look nice. 
To be honest, I'm not sure how you do this exactly. I looked everywhere in the files and I couldn't find anything. But here's where it gets interesting: When I downloaded other regional versions of the game and searched the files, I found the text for the "hover-over" messages in a file called "default". That's actually how I got the regional names of unused gems in Bejeweled Twist. "default" can be found in the files of the English version of Bejeweled Twist in the "properties" folder, but text for the "hover-over" messages cannot be found. My best guess on how to change the "hover-over" messages is to edit "default" in some way. If you want a better understanding, I could show you a screenshot of what the contents of "default" look like in a regional version of Bejeweled Twist or Bejeweled 3. Gemspinner019 (talk) 14:58, May 3, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019
My question is do we need the overlay on the textures? I'd get hopelessly lost applying them and that's before I even get Photoshop!
I had a flick through the "default" file (taking up a whopping 13kb on my hard drive) in Bejeweled Twist as I don't know where it is in Bejeweled 3, and it means nothing to me. A screenshot might be able to help me.  STORM II  16:14, May 3, 2013 (UTC) 
I guess we don't, but what about Chain Reaction's "cloud" texture? It doesn't seem right if we uploaded something that's just pitch-black. 
Sure, I could take a screenshot for you. Does it matter what language is shown? By the way, "default" strangely doesn't exist in the game files of the English version. Trust me, I looked everywhere. Gemspinner019 (talk) 19:17, May 3, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019
Is the code the same in other languages? Separate from that, I'd like a German one please.  STORM II  19:32, May 3, 2013 (UTC) 
As far as I'm concerned, the coding appears to be the same for all languages. I could be wrong, though; I may try to see if it's possible to change the messages sometime during this week just to be sure. Gemspinner019 (talk) 19:41, May 3, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 
One of the images of a Bejeweled 2 hypercube needs to be deleted.  STORM II  21:44, April 29, 2013 (UTC) 
Thank you for telling me about this. I just took care of it. Gemspinner019 (talk) 13:59, May 3, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019
You're welcome. I'd have done it myself if I had the required permissions, but alas I don't. I'm not too fussed either way, but I was wondering whether something happened to you, as I hadn't seen your friendly presence for several days. :( It gets a bit boring when I log on to the wiki knowing I haven't missed much, but at least a semi-active admin is better than the abandoned mess the wiki was when you first found it.  STORM II  16:14, May 3, 2013 (UTC) 
Yeah, I'm really sorry that I was gone for a long time. I had to study for my semester finals, and it got really hectic during the last few weeks of college. But now I'm done with my finals, so I can spend more time here on the wiki. I'll be sure to provide an update about things on the main page during the weekend. :) Gemspinner019 (talk) 19:17, May 3, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019
No worries, around this time in 2015 I'll have to reduce my time here temporarily, indeed I was busy earlier in the week, which caused my x30 "chain" to snap. :( I know how it feels, I was blocked for a week on another wiki (and ~18 months on, I still can't understand why...) which caused my activity on that wiki after the block to collapse, as I was so bored, I'd just spend my time elsewhere. I also look forward to what you have to say during your update. :)  STORM II  19:32, May 3, 2013 (UTC) 


I'm on it for the rest of the day (local time) so when you see this remember to log on to it. Thanks. :)  STORM II  16:19, May 4, 2013 (UTC) 

Uh-oh, did I miss it? I'm really sorry. I didn't forget; it's just that I decided to spend the day with my grandfather because he recently had surgery on one of his eyes and I wanted to see how he was doing. He's doing fine now, which is good news. Again, I'm really sorry about missing our scheduled "chat". 
Also, I haven't forgotten that you wanted a screenshot of the German version of the file "default". I'll be sure to do that this weekend. Gemspinner019 (talk) 00:53, May 5, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 
It's OK, I accept your apology. I was just sitting in the room thinking "Something must have happened regarding you and/or your family". It's good your grandfather is doing well though. I won't get mad at you, don't worry, I wouldn't do that to someone as friendly as you. :)
I'll be awaiting the German "default" file, but is it from Bejeweled Twist or Bejeweled 3? Because I'm 99% certain I found the "default" file in the Chinese version of the latter when extracting the "main.pak" file.
Now that I have your email, I'll make a copy of the Chinese folder, zip it and DropSend it to you. I guarantee you will have a bundle of fun with it.  STORM II  08:37, May 5, 2013 (UTC) 
The "default" file will be from Bejeweled Twist. I can't find the file in the English version of Bejeweled 3. 
Thank you so much! I just checked my e-mail and I saw the DropSend file. I'm going to download it right away and see what I can find in the files. :D Gemspinner019 (talk) 14:57, May 5, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019
You're welcome. It contains 2 new modes and upgrades to 2 others. I've already started your dig through the files because I forgot to repack the "main.pak" file. Have fun with it, I certainly did when I started playing it just the other day.  STORM II  15:04, May 5, 2013 (UTC) 

==Bejeweled Blitz==  I also have a trial version, but it limits me to 10 plays a day. And guess what? I was also rubbish at it when I started. I only got it after I added the app to my Facebook account, and at that time I was absolutely hopeless at it. 29,000 points seemed to be the unbreakable mark, as I couldn't get more than a few hundred points above it. But if you practice, you will get better, I mean, I can now score over a million points in one game, which I never thought I was going to achieve. Speed is your best friend in Blitz, so during a game, trick your mind into believing you're playing a fixed one-minute game of Lightning (65 seconds with the Extra Time boost), or do as I do, and pretend the game will end in the next few seconds and try and squeeze as many matches as you can. Hope this helps, and have fun.  STORM II  18:35, May 8, 2013 (UTC)


Dear GemSpinner, I am Farhan Haniff, the person that you sent a message to. I want to ask you, which of the Bejeweled series that you like the most? Farhan Haniff (talk) 03:00, May 18, 2013 (UTC)Farhan Haniff 

Hello, Farhan Haniff, nice to meet you. 
Hmmmm...I can't really decide which one is my favorite. As much as I enjoy Bejeweled Twist, I really like Bejeweled 3 as well. I recently got the chance of playing Bejeweled Blitz, which I think is also quite fun. 
By the way, I would like to thank you for contributing to the articles about the Bomb Gem and Butterflies mode. I appreciate the help. :) Gemspinner019 (talk) 03:19, May 18, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019


Going to send it in a little while. :)  STORM II  20:48, May 28, 2013 (UTC) 

Thank you! I look forward to playing it. :) Gemspinner019 (talk) 00:26, May 29, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 

==Time Gems, Nintendo DS==  They don't seem to drop more frequently- they do drop more frequently. I've seen videos of Lightning mode on DS and the player was able to save up a whole 60 seconds of x12, whereas in the standard version he wrote "on the PC version, you will be celebrating if you can even save 15 seconds for x12". 

Here's the link for reference purposes.  STORM II  18:41, May 31, 2013 (UTC) 

Oh, thank you for telling me about that. I guess what I mentioned in the article was just a foolish error on my part. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Gemspinner019 (talkcontribs)
It's obvious from looking at the video that the Time Gems drop like popcorn. Anyway, how are you getting on with QMP2? Did you try out Bonanza yet?  STORM II  02:48, June 1, 2013 (UTC) 
So far I like QMP2. I'm stuck on some of the mini-quests, though. Today I almost completed Wall Blast IV; I had only one piece of the wall left to destroy, but the time expired RIGHT BEFORE I was about to clear it. And I didn't even get a chance to clear the Supernova Gem I created! Oh well, at least I've completed the Gold Rush and Stratamax mini-quests.  
But yeah, I really like Bonanza. I'm glad that type of mini-quest was made because Bonanza is my favorite challenge in Twist. I'm actually quite curious to see other challenges from Twist converted into mini-quest form. Gemspinner019 (talk) 03:08, June 1, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019
Let me guess: you're stuck on Ice Storm V and Ice Storm VI as well? They're pretty hard, and they won't get any easier. You probably know this already, but the QMP series also contains hybrids. Each quest needs a "victory" and a "defeat" condition, so you can make something like Butterflies V, which (IIRC) is Buried Treasure and Butterflies. There are, however, some hybrids that can't be made.
  • Anything involving Balance (has "victory " and "defeat" conditions already, but you can still line the bottom of the board with rocks and whathaveyou)
  • Gold Rush and Avalanche, for some reason.
  • Anything with two defeat/victory conditions (so no Ice Storm and Time Bomb, or Alchemy and Wall Blast):::::This is an insight into making your own quests, should you choose to do so. It's actually really good fun. 
Also, on the Chinese-exclusive Time Bomb modes page, I wrote that in the move-based version, you usually get a "0" bomb dropped after scoring over 1,000,000 points. I edited the script soon after receiving my copy of it. The copy I sent you includes this modification, so you can have bombs displaying 10/5 moves. (You will need to score over a million to see the changes)  STORM II  03:29, June 1, 2013 (UTC) 
Check your mail, I've sent you a present from my Hotmail address. I'd appreciate feedback (either on-wiki or via email) because I haven't done something on that scale before.  STORM II  16:12, June 2, 2013 (UTC) 
Thank you! I'll play it later tonight and I'll tell you what I think of it sometime tomorrow. :) Gemspinner019 (talk) 23:09, June 2, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 
Hello again. Well, I played all the mini-quests of QMP5 and I think they're all quite challenging. My personal favorite ones are the Bonanza + Time Bomb and the Gold Rush + Ice Storm mini-quests. The Wall Blast + Time Bomb mini-quests are quite fun as well. There are a few things that I would suggest fixing, though. I can't play any of the Poker mini-quests for some reason, and I think the move limit with the Gold Rush + Stratamax mini-quests should be 30 or slightly higher. I just can't seem to collect any gold nuggets within 20 moves. Also, almost all of the mini-quests seem to have random backgrounds. But overall, I enjoyed playing the mini-quests of QMP5. By the way, how many QMPs are there in the series? Are there currently just five, or are there more that I'm unaware of? Gemspinner019 (talk) 18:23, June 3, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019
Poker was working on my computer, so I don't know why it's not working for you. There's a whole heap of Poker hybrids in QMP3 and QMP4, so if my one doesn't work chances are the other poker hybrids won't. If Poker won't work, or you can't live without it, just go to the "secret.cfg" file in the "properties" folder of the "hybrids" section and replace it with something else. Let me know if you need help with selecting and implementing a new mini-quest.
RE the Gold Rush/Stratamax quests, I set them to 20 because I deemed the original time limit was too easy, and I personally think there are harder mini-quests than it. If you find the 20 moves limit too short, after the 20th move, make another move very soon after that and your game can last for as long as it takes. It takes a bit of practice, but if the board's nice to you, it will let you do it. I chose the random backgrounds feature just for added scenery and variety.
There are 5 QMPs, four from the Baidu forum, and one from me. QMP1 was unreleased (for reasons unknown as of yet- must find out why) that was supposed to be in between the standard version and QMP2. QMP2 came out in 2011, QMP3 in 2012 and QMP4 and QMP5 in 2013. I'm glad you've had fun though, feedback is important for me so I know what I did well, what I did not so well, and how I could make it better. Thanks,  STORM II  18:52, June 3, 2013 (UTC) 

Font colour

 I think you should finish off the "font colouring" on the challenges. It just looks so inconsistent if some of the names are their respective colours and others are plain black.  STORM II  19:11, June 3, 2013 (UTC) 

Okay, thanks for telling me. Spectrum will have to remain black because you can't see white font color on a white background. Gemspinner019 (talk) 19:19, June 3, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 

==Poker Replacement==  Since the Poker/Stratamax hybrids don't work on your computer for some weird reason, I'd like to help you make another quest type to replace it, and I'll let you decide which one you want. A selection that you can choose from is below.

  • Buried Treasure/Time Bomb
  • Gold Rush/Time Bomb
  • Ice Storm/Alchemy
  • Ice Storm/Wall Blast
  • Ice Storm/Buried Treasure
  • Avalanche/Buried Treasure
  • Avalanche/Wall Blast
  • Buried Treasure/Butterflies
  • Wall Blast/Butterflies

Note the way I didn't include Avalanche/Gold Rush because that crashes the game for an unknown reason. I also didn't include any Poker hybrids just in case they didn't work either. Let me know which hybrid you'ld like and I'll email the appropriate code to you. Also included is where you put them in.  STORM II  17:55, June 5, 2013 (UTC) 

Hmm...the Ice Storm/Alchemy hybrid interests me the most. I bet playing it would be a lot of fun. :) Gemspinner019 (talk) 00:38, June 6, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 
Ah, yes. That appeared in QMP4 and for some reason when you hybrid Ice Storm with Alchemy, Wall Blast or Buried Treasure, the gems hide behind the grid. I hope that isn't a deal breaker? If so there's bound to be something else that grabs your fancy.  STORM II  10:44, June 6, 2013 (UTC) 
Oh, okay. Um, let's see... Avalanche/Wall Blast also sounds like fun. Or, how about Avalanche/Time Bomb? That seems like a challenging yet interesting hybrid to me. Gemspinner019 (talk) 03:15, June 7, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 
Avalanche/Time Bomb can't be made (breaks the two-defeat-conditions rule that affects Balance as well) but I can certainly do Avalanche/Wall Blast (that definitely appears in QMP3 and I think it appears in QMP2 as well). Here's another hybrid that's come into my head: Gold Rush/Butterflies. I was hoping to get this in QMP5 but it crashed the game without even getting to the loading screen. I hope it's something I've done wrong, although if I add it in again it should work because the copy that the hybrids use was QMP3, and that particular hybrid can be found there. Would you like to try Gold Rush/Butterflies or do you still want Avalanche/Wall Blast?  STORM II  10:23, June 7, 2013 (UTC) 
Sure, I would like a hybrid of Gold Rush/Butterflies, please. Gemspinner019 (talk) 17:03, June 7, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 ::::::If the mini-quests don't work on my system, you can have Wall Blast/Avalnche. If they do, Gold Rush/Butterflies it is.  STORM II  17:09, June 7, 2013 (UTC) 
Okay, thank you for telling me. I look forward to playing them. :) Gemspinner019 (talk) 17:14, June 7, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 

Savegame format

Hi Andrew, I did some quick reverse engineering of the savegame format. See on my user page, if you're interested. (The picture thumnail of the screenshot fails to show, I guess it is a problem of Wikia?!) 

Hello there, nice to meet you. :) 
Wow, that looks incredible! And the screenshot looks neat, too. You know, I've wanted to take high-quality screenshots of the unused gems in Bejeweled Twist for quite some time, but I don't know how to make them appear in the game as normal. Say, perhaps you could help me with that. Now I know it's most likely difficult telling me how to modify saved game files and whatnot, but I have an idea. If you're interested, I could tell you more about it. 
By the way, I recently had that same problem with the thumbnail of an image not showing as well. It should be fixed by now, though; I guess Wikia was just experiencing some problems. Gemspinner019 (talk) 03:15, June 7, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 
Yes, I would help you taking the screenshots and I'm curious about your idea. If you know some things about hex editing and file formats, it's quite easy to understand my description of the format (at least I hope so). 
The thumbnail is still not being displayed. Should I reupload the image? --ParadiseAdi (talk) 10:02, June 10, 2013 (UTC) 
My idea is this: Since you're capable of modifying saved games, I was wondering if you could send me a copy of one via e-mail (I'll tell you what my e-mail address is, if you want me to). That way I could place the saved game file on my computer that I use to take screenshots and take ones of the unused gems. But I don't mind if you want to get screenshots of them. 
Hmm... I can see your image just fine on my computer. You could try to upload your image again to see if that fixes anything. Gemspinner019 (talk) 20:15, June 10, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 
Seems as Wikia is still working on a fix with broken images.
I could create a layout of your choice and upload it to a sharehoster, or you can send me a savegame of yours and I modify it. You can give me your email address if you want. Also, keep watching my profile page, I'm still updating the description of the format and I uploaded a structure definition which is usable with the most popular hex editor. --ParadiseAdi (talk) 21:51, June 10, 2013 (UTC) 
Excellent! my e-mail address is [email protected]. Like Storm2, I'm also mostly interested with obtaining Ice Gems, but I would also like to have saved games that have the other usued games (Skull Gems and Angel Gems). I'll send you my saved game files once I've acquired your e-mail address. By the way, I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply back to you; I was really busy with a few things. Gemspinner019 (talk) 02:13, June 15, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 
I know I'm not Gemspinner, but is it alright if I send you one of my save game files and let you fiddle with it as well? The combinations in your image look ace and I would like them for myself but as you're aware the wall to the left of me has more hex editing knowledge than I do. If left to fend for myself I'd probably edit the wrong thing and cause something unintended to happen. I honestly don't care which layout you choose (assuming you allow me to send you a save game), I'm primarily interested in getting Ice Gems so anything after that is a bonus.  STORM II  23:06, June 10, 2013 (UTC) 
Storm, the worst thing that could happen if you fiddle with the file is a crash of the game. The corrupt savegame file can simply be deleted and no harm is done. I suggest you create a new profile first. 
I uploaded the savegame which I used to create the screenshot (there is something hidden inside ;-) ). Please state your requests on my talk page. If you have Hex Workshop, you can try the structure file which facilitates hex editing the savegame a lot. ParadiseAdi (talk) 10:11, June 11, 2013 (UTC) 


Check your email if you haven't already done so today.  STORM II  14:25, June 8, 2013 (UTC) 

Thank you. I actually downloaded it before I went to bed last night and I played it earlier today. And guess what? It works just fine! I like how you divided the board with dirt and placed the gold nuggets in the center. I thought that was really creative. Again, thank you for sending me this. :) Gemspinner019 (talk) 01:15, June 9, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 
How are you getting on in QMP2 by the way? Are you still no nearer to completion? If you're still working on the quests, let me know if/when you're finished so I can send the massively hardcorised QMP3 to you. 
Also, what do you think of a) the hybrids in QMP and b) the three new hybrids that were created by me and  not Baidu Tieba, who made the first three QMPs. Those hybrids are: Stratamax/Butterflies, Stratamax/Time Bomb and Bonanza/Time Bomb. I'm currently working on another QMP which will be based on QMP4 but with changes and I want to know what you think of those hybrids. :)::Gute Nacht.  STORM II  23:18, June 9, 2013 (UTC) 
I've almost completed QMP2, but I'm still stuck on a few mini-quests (darn you, Ice Storm!). I'm a little worried about how difficult QMP3 is, considering how difficult QMP2 is for me. 
I personally like both the hybrids featured in the QMP series and the ones that you created. But I think the hybrids you created are more creative, with the Bonanza/Time Bomb hybrid being my favorite of the bunch. I'm interested in knowing what mini-quest hybrid you're currently working on now, and I would like to get a chance to play it when it's complete. :) Gemspinner019 (talk) 20:15, June 10, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019
Ice Storm VI is set to behave like x10 and beyond in the regular mode. It's fine and dandy if you've been there many times before (and I see a screenshot on the wiki that proves you've gotten to x10, and I myself am capable of x12) but that's one of the few quests that I found challenging nontheless. QMP3 should only be attempted by those hardcore enough to complete QMP2, so that gives you some idea as to how hard it will be. There's also more hybrids in QMP3, including more poker ones that won't function on your system for some bizarre reason. If you do wish to get it I will add my own three hybrids to it just for you, as they work for most everyone else. However, I most likely won't be able to remove all the Poker hybrids, but I'll do my best. 
I'm also glad you like the hybrids I created, I'm surprised how Baidu never thought of adding them to QMP3 as a lot of QMP2 quests reappear in QMP3, and some QMP3 quests appear in QMP4. Hopefully you got lucky enough to beat Wall Blast IV, I tried it countless times and barely passed it whereas the supposedly harder Wall Blast V was fairly easy.
My new take on QMP will be based on QMP4, but some things will be edited to ensure it's not a carbon copy, so it will be a fan edit of a fan edit of Bejeweled 3. :)  STORM II  20:57, June 10, 2013 (UTC) 

Main page

Isn't it time to update the main page again?  STORM II  22:37, June 12, 2013 (UTC)

I was thinking the same thing as well. I'll have it done sometime during this week. I'm sorry that I was gone for a few days; I was really busy with a few things. Gemspinner019 (talk) 02:13, June 15, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 


I can send you the configuration file, or if you prefer I can send you QMP3 (as that contains the "Avalanche Eclipse" script) Please specify your intentions; I posted a comment on the Avalanche page with this kind of material in it but you must have missed it.  STORM II  19:41, June 21, 2013 (UTC) 

Oh, I'm sorry about if I caused any confusion. I would like a copy of QMP3, please. I know I haven't completed QMP2 yet (almost, though!), but I'm more interested in the "Avalanche Eclipse" mini-quest. Gemspinner019 (talk) 19:47, June 21, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 
Good luck with completing QMP2, Ice Storm VI operates on a ×10 multiplier, as do all three Ice Storm quests in QMP3. But some of it's still easy, like Buried Treasure II. I'll also send you QMP4 just in case you need any relief from the hard stuff.  STORM II  19:52, June 21, 2013 (UTC) 
Thank you, I look forward to playing them during the weekend. :) Gemspinner019 (talk) 19:58, June 21, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 

I am extremely honoured that I can contribute to this wiki, Thanks But I do have a question; how did you get the images in Bejeweled Twist? Psycologist625 (talk) 09:16, June 22, 2013 (UTC) 

Thanks for replying, and by images I mean the zen backdrops not screenshots 08:02, June 24, 2013 (UTC) 

Custom Bejeweled Twist

 I haven't forgotten you want my version of Bejeweled Twist, with the extra challenge in it. I've just been a little busy with other projects that were more immediate. I'm going to send it now. In the meantime, you can watch a video of the new challenge. You're also welcome to browse the other handful of videos I've uploaded. I'll also be around on chat for the next few hours, so if you've nothing better to do, feel free to pop in. We might as well be using it. :)  STORM II  19:28, June 27, 2013 (UTC) 

Glad to hear you got the file. Some changes include.
  • Extra challenge in challenge mode
  • Edited bombs
  • Edited doom gems 
Did you watch the video? If so, did you enjoy it? 
I also heard you were feeling a little poorly, hopefully you're getting better bit by bit. I can make a cup of tea for you if you like. ;)  STORM II  23:34, June 28, 2013 (UTC) 
Thank you! I'll be sure to play it during the weekend. And yes, I did watch your video of the challenge. I thought it was neat seeing an idea of what the challenge would've been. Oh, and I watched some of your other videos as well (sorry you aren't able to uncover that last object in Buried Treasure VII). I actually didn't know that you had a YouTube channel. :) 
By the way, I'm feeling much better now. During the past few days, I had a nasty headache that just wouldn't go away. Basically what I did most of the time was lie on my bed and read books. Thank goodness my headache is gone, so now I can spend time here on the wiki and resume working on articles. A cup of tea does sound nice, but a hot bowl of soup usually does the trick. :) Gemspinner019 (talk) 18:00, June 29, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019 


Regarding the mini-quest articles, how about we give them their own subpages and we can list all of them there? I'll be doing a guinea pig tomorrow on Ice Storm. Hopefully I'll also get around to renovating the table on the List of artifacts in Diamond Mine mode article, but I want to get Bejeweled Series 2 done before I go on holiday. Your talk page also could do with being archived. I can do that for you if you don't know how to do it. All the best,  STORM II  18:11, July 7, 2013 (UTC) 

Hmm... that sounds like an interesting idea. Sure, we can go ahead and try that. Oh, and be sure to have fun during your holiday. :) 
I wouldn't mind if you archived my talk page for me. You can go ahead and do that, if you want to. Gemspinner019 (talk) 19:08, July 9, 2013 (UTC)Gemspinner019